Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Book Critic (Inside her Head)

Oh well, here comes the one who spoke too soon.

I did say i was about to embark on my new life as a fantastic book critic. But. Well. Maybe it's not yet the right time for that. So anyway, it doesn't mean I can't write critiques anymore. I can. And maybe this time, I can even pepper my sentence swith the most uproarious unconnected words.

Writers write. Simple as pie.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Atlantis Rising by Brad Steiger

Why am I writing about a run-of-the mill book I bought for 10 pesos?

Well, it's because it's the geekiest book I have ever read.

Ancient Sea Kings Did Exist!

Atlantis is Real!

The powers of the sea ruled over the earth once in history!

And the thing is, the author actually believes the crap he's espousing. Me, I believe that Atlantis once existed. but it doesn't matter anymore where it was, the thing is that we know that we can follow the same path to total extinction. I don't think Atlanteans were aliens from another planet. I think they were men. Highly evolved. Our precursors. Or maybe they were gods. I'd sooner believe that than aliens. Even if my book fare nowadays consists mainly of stories on alien invasions.

It is so geeky, and so damn interesting. I don't know how he pulled it off. But he did. And kudos to you, Geeky Brad.